I hope you will find something useful from my website. Everything is supposed to be free of charges. All you need to do is to refer to some friends of yours the software that you think helpful. Thank you for stopping by.
There is a section call "Handy Tools" which includes dozen of tiny tools. They are mostly networking related.I coded all of them because I did not find anywhere from the Net the same thing. Maybe you will find something suite your needs.
"Free Softs" is another thing which includes 'bigger' tools. In fact they are full featured free software.
All my software should run immediately after being downloaded without any installation.
In "Source code" you will find some source of the applications. Feel free to modify them and do whatever your want. It's nice to give me some credits but its all up to you. If you can learn something and develop better applications, please send it back to me if possible.
I am not a software developer, I am a business man. However, I enjoy coding free, small, useful software for people. If you want some thing and you could not find from the Net. Please use the form "Soft request" and let me know about it. I might find some free time in my life and do it. As long as you think many people need that kind of application and nobody has done anything like that, I will sure do it somehow.
Curious and want to know something about me. I have nothing to say. But here are some facts :)